With the help of Pardis Technology Park member:
AIMS Control Guarantees Reduction Of At Least 50% Of Traffic Casualties

The Chief Executive Officer of AIMS Control Amir Ahmad Sepehri said in the year that is themed with the name of knowledge, all that is needed to reduce the country's traffic losses can be materialized by using advanced technology in the field of intelligent transportation systems.
He said that the head of the training department of the Health Research Center in Accidents and Disasters of the University of Medical Sciences said that we have more than 17,000 deaths and more than 44,000 disabled people in accidents every year.
According to official statistics, we have between 300,000 and 400,000 injured people per year due to traffic accidents.
According to the World Health Organization and experiences, by controlling speed, fatal accidents can be reduced by 85%, he added.
In addition to speed control, another factor that prevents accidents that lead to injury is keeping enough distance between cars.
We design and manufacture the most advanced intelligent radar device for recording traffic violations, including distance, reading license plates of all passing vehicles, and speed in Iran, he said.
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Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.
Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

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E-mail: info@techpark.ir
