National Projects

The following are some of the most important national projects that are being carried out continuously in the PTP.
Most of these projects have been proposed from the beginning by the headquarter members of PTP and then designed and then implemented:
Elite Technology Incubator Center
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with hi-tech achievements have a very effective role in economic prosperity, technology development and consequently entrepreneurship. The development of these companies need construction of infrastructure to avoid problems in first steps.
One of these infrastructures are the incubator centers. The elite technology incubator center is located at the Pardis Technology Park (PTP).
For entrepreneurs and SMEs, who have ideas for commercialization based on science, expertise and technology, this center has an equipped building and has provided some proper services, like necessary consultations and appropriate facilities to improve them for an independent and effective presence in the technology ecosystem.
But more important than attractive, creative and innovative ideas and designs; having a cohesive, coordinated and complete team is the right way to implement the idea.
Start-up companies during the period of presence in the center, by using research achievements, will strive to gain technical knowledge and readiness to produce some products or provide some services.
During this period, in addition to providing facilities and support services, the center will be responsible for guiding & mentoring and monitoring the progress of these technology units.
Providing specialized services, deployment facilities, the existence of an extensive network of partners (private and public), are part of the special benefits of this center.
Iran Technology & Innovation Network (TINET) is a smart pioneer network in Iran’s innovation and technology ecosystem which, aims to increase the share of knowledge-based economy.
In line with the order of the vice president for science and technology [Sourena Sattari] to empower tech knowledge-based companies as well as innovator teams and entrepreneurs and commercialization of knowledge and technology and creating network between active members of innovation ecosystem, TINET was established in order to boost knowledge-based economy with presence of technology and knowledge-based firms. The network aims to provide infrastructure for providing business services, online market for insurance and health, techno market and human resources.
TINET provides facilities and supports and commercialization services with support of tech companies, knowledge-based firms and innovators. Hence, it paves the way for development of technology and innovation ecosystem as well as knowledge for idea to market chain. The network also connects all members in order to interact and create synergy especially in private sector in order to empower innovation and technology ecosystem.
The existence of over 3000 knowledge-based firms, research and industrial centers, incubators, universities, research centers, funds and accelerators urge the need for establishment of a network like TNET. Hence, in order to create synergy between different parts of innovation ecosystem and benefit from the power of private sector, the idea of formation of a network was initiated using the similar experiences in other countries.
Creating synergy and improve the share of knowledge-based ecosystem in nationwide economy is the gist of long-term aims of TINET. One can name facilitation of creating synergy through making connection and interaction as the short-term aim of the network. The connection is categorized in three stages; government with private sector, companies and individuals, companies and market. The connections lead to the long-term aims of the network.
Integration for having access to information, responsibility to demands, vast services and development in all interaction are done in order to boost innovation and technology ecosystem networking.
As its name suggested, a network is a collection of services provided for different parts and active members who have a role in innovation ecosystem, whether it provides services or use services, have an idea or who want to buy the idea. All people who are interested in innovation ecosystem can be a member of the TINET.
When it talks about the network, the first issue is the chain-like interaction and connection in the network. In fact, the development of connection between the members of the network is very important for the members. The integration of accessibility to services and other elements of network is another important priority, which leads to transparency and competitiveness. When the members known each other, they provide better services with more quality and in more reasonable price. Such characteristics pave the way for startups in order to develop more quickly.
It is noteworthy that TINET provides facilities for membership of startups and emerging companies and they can benefit from the facilities with a simple procedure.
TINET is not only a virtual network but a combination of virtual and real spaces. That means that the relationship and interaction in the network is a combination of virtual and real network. The main reason for such a relationship is supply and demand. The common fields in activities, researches, interests and demands lead to connection between members. The common aims are also another reason for interaction between the members. The common aim can be a shared knowledge or technology, which can established a relationship between two or more members.
A network with more than 5000 members in person and 600 companies active in the field of innovation and technology, paves the way for new services for boosting interaction between members. The network provides identity of the members with one-time registration. Insurance services for startups are another facility provides by TINET. The members can use supplementary insurances services. The network also provides facilities for military services for elites to replace research projects for soldiering. Laboratories and research centers are provided by TINET for members to use.
Technology parks and vice presidency for science and technology as well as some companies at the private sectors has some organizations in order to provide facilities for their members. However TINET aims to integrates all organizations and provides services and facilities for all.
TINET aims to form innovation ecosystem to empower national technologies, motivate innovation and entrepreneurship, support top talents, and create synergy in order to boost knowledge-based economy in the country. It aims to gather all technology and innovation members together and support all members and parts of innovation ecosystem in order to actualize borderless innovation in future.
The Innovation Acceleration Center, supported by the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, started work in 1393 by Pardis Technology Park to support innovation-based entrepreneurship.
Innovation Acceleration Center is aimed at promoting an entrepreneurial culture and supporting mechanisms that lead to the creating or developing sustainable and successful startups.
It has put on its agenda helping organize entrepreneurship events to promote entrepreneurial culture and helping accelerators and collaborative workspaces create sustainable startups.
The Entrepreneurship Event is a short-term gathering during which participants learn the concepts of entrepreneurship.
These events can transfer experience, or networking with other activists, or even an event that practically practice starting a business.
Some events focus on solving a specific problem in an industrial field, while others focus on issues in a field. All of the above items are among entrepreneurial events.
The Innovation Acceleration Center supports holding entrepreneurial events as a suitable tool in developing entrepreneurial culture and effort among students and youth.
Events during which entrepreneurial skills such as brainstorming, teamwork, networking, etc. are taught.
In these events, skills and training are transferred better. The Innovation Acceleration Center has supported holding more than 500 entrepreneurship events.
These events were held in 29 provinces, 21 technology parks and 56 universities, in the presence of more than 1,100 instructors and speakers, by over 100 organizers and more than 30,000 people.
The models of holding events that have been materially and spiritually supported by the center are as follows:
- Educational-promotional
- Educational-experimental
- Experience transfer
- Presenting idea to investor
- Solving the problem
- Competition
- School of entrepreneurship
- Networking
- Start-up tour
Thanks to the significant growth and development of the innovative businesses, the need to create supportive and specialized infrastructure is felt more than ever.
Accelerators contribute to the growth of startups by creating a suitable and specialized work space, professional consulting and mentoring, and ultimately share their benefits.
Simply, these accelerators, by providing expert services and valuable consultations, prevent start-up teams from wasting time and money and help them grow and enter the market in much less time than usual.
Since the beginning of the Innovation Acceleration Center, one of its goals has been to create a mechanism to create and develop sustainable startups.
The results of the study and consultations with experienced companies in this field show that the two mechanisms that have been implemented in the world and have brought about good results are shared workspaces and accelerators.
These mechanisms provide an opportunity for start-ups to become familiar with business skills and to pave the way for their success.
Since its inauguration, over 70 private sector accelerators focusing on material and spiritual assistance have been launched.
Over 2,500 teams have been involved in the pre-acceleration processes and over 700 teams have joined acceleration.
Successful startups in accelerators have also hit 400.
Accelerators’ expenses for acceleration activities have reached 200 billion tomans, a quarter of which is the support provided by the government with regard to facilities and grants.
The Innovation Acceleration Center has spared no effort as a link between the private sector and the government to facilitate and prepare the business space and has always been keen on using the entrepreneurial activists’ opinions.
These spaces, whose mission is to create suitable physical infrastructure for startups, individuals and freelancers, play an important role in the entrepreneurship.
Managers of these spaces earn money from renting shared tables by reducing the daily concerns of the group and making the space attractive.
The innovation in managing these spaces has made them be able to negotiate with large industries and enterprises and hunt good projects for their teams.
One of the most important pillars of these items is freelancers who both serve outside and help teams and startups.
One of the most important outcomes of these spaces are teams and startups that are considered as input for accelerators.
Since last year, 15 private-sector shared workspaces have joined the Innovation Acceleration Center.
Over 17,000 square meters of workspace in shared workspaces have so far been equipped and used, which has provided a capacity of 3,000 participations for activities.
The Innovation Acceleration Center’s approval and its membership, helps bodies become knowledge-based and will bring about material and spiritual support from Vice Presidency for Science and Technology and Pardis Technology Park.
Based on the Iran's comprehensive scientific plan (National Action (8) of the Macro Strategy (3)), which emphasizes developing technology markets, the approval of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution and Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, Iran National Techmart is responsible for developing Iranian technology market.
The National Technical Market Network of Iran has established regional and specialized techmarts offices, after its regulations were approved and signed by the First Vice President.
Iran National Techmart is responsible, as one of the affiliated bodies of Pardis Technology Park, is responsible for helping develop technological exchanges and technology transfer in Iran's innovation and technology ecosystem.
These exchanges are in the fields of marketing, knowledge-based and technological products sales, investing in inventions, start-ups and technological projects, meeting the technological needs of industries using the capacity of knowledge-based and technological companies, and exchanging technical knowledge.
One of the measures taken by Iran National Techmart is developing offices in different provinces and networking in various parts of the country.
According to the approval on establishing and managing regulations of Iran National Techmart (approved by Pardis Technology Park Board of Trustees), Iran National Techmart should establish a regional and specialized technology market in all provinces.
These offices are considered as a base for communication between technology suppliers and applicants in these areas to take advantage of Iran's capacity to develop their technology exchanges.
Each techmart office has a trustee which is a governing body related to the field of science and technology, and is responsible for cooperating with Iran National Techmart to develop the technology market in the province or specialized field.
Each techmart office has at least one technology trade broker to implement technology market development programs.
All executive measures on matching technology supply and demand by qualified private companies are accomplished by Iran National Techmart.
These brokerage companies are based in different provinces. Technology brokers are somehow an innovation interface between the supplier and the applicant.
These brokers translate the language of technology into the language of commerce and the market and vice versa for the supplier and the applicant, and will stand by parties more than a consultant until a final exchange is obtained.
The list of Iran National Techmart's approved brokers is available at
Iran National Techmart has a comprehensive database of the Iranian technological information, including knowledge-based and technology companies, knowledge-based and technological products, investment opportunities and technology demands.
All individuals and legal entities can register in this website and present their technological achievements and needs.
The website has categories for each regional or specialized techmarts, all information of which regarding geographical separation or that specialized field is available there.
We observe the need for supplying raw materials, technologies or industrial equipment, the solution or supplier of which is also available in the country.
Accordingly, in addition to other techmarts' services, Iran National Techmart has created a simple mechanism by announcing the need to supply raw materials through social network robots "Bale" and "Telegram" in a way that by completing a simple form, the need is delivered to the brokerage network and its brokers will take action to supply raw materials or technological needs.
Robots' addresses are as follows:
Iran National Techmart has designed and implemented various commercial events aiming to facilitate and accelerate matching supply and demand Iranian innovation and technology ecosystem.
These events are held by brokers approved by Iran National Techmart in the following fields:
- Innovations and inventions festivals (offering innovations to industries and investors)
- Domestic power utilization sessions (supply of products to governmental customers and large industries)
- Startup Demo Events (Presenting Startups to Investors)
- Reversible events (Industry needs for technologists, startups and knowledge-based companies)
SADAF stands for three Persian words of industry, university and technology. In order to achieve purposeful cooperation between industry and university, Pardis Technology Park has developed a strategic document on industry-university relationship and created several operational plans to implement it in the form of SADAF programs, including empowerment projects, specialized training camps, employment camps, social networking, leading student dissertations, supporting research projects, etc.
SADAF started its activity under Pardis Technology Park support in 1394. SADAF activity was limited to the field of human capital and focused on providing services to members of Pardis Technology Park.
Thanks to the extensive needs of the audience (students and university graduates on the one hand and Park members on the other hand), there are currently several services offered by SADAF to companies in Pardis Innovation District and the academics, namely training, empowerment human capital development, students' dissertations management, the research projects required by members, and so on.
SADAF empowerment project mission is to provide purposeful and effective services to its audience (students and university graduates and companies in the Pardis Innovation District) in various fields of education, empowerment and human capital development as well as dissertation / research in a comprehensive platform.
- 1. SADAF empowerment plan
- Training-expert bootcamps
- Employment camps
- SADAF website
- Internship
- Labor and internship festivals
1. SADAF empowerment plan
- Introduction:
Creating synergy between industry and university is an important mission of Pardis Technology Park, and it will be achieved through the use of specialized knowledge and universities' human resources in industry.
Accordingly, Pardis Technology Park, under the support of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology and in the context of Iran Technology and Innovation Network, is holding a job empowerment project.
- Objective:
SADAF empowerment project is aimed at motivating and empowering university students and graduates to help them play a role in the technology and innovation ecosystem, to design a future career path based on each individual's talents and characteristics and to facilitate their joining to the labor market (business ecosystem).
In fact, this project is to help people know themselves and choose the right career path and finally be able to play an effective role in the technology and innovation ecosystem of by participating in various workshops.
2. Training-expert boot-camps
Boot camps are intensive courses that prepare people to enter labor market in specialized fields / fields of study and with specialized training and boosting the level of ability and skills required by industries.
These courses usually last 2-6 months (depending on industry requirements).
In fact, the main purpose of holding training-expert camps is to discover the potential talents of individuals and to train them for specialized job positions in each industry.
Services available in training-expert boot camps:
- Personality tests:
Holding personality tests help people better understand their interests and talents and choose a better job.
It is possible to take six personality tests including Neo, Disk, Emotional Intelligence, Holland Code Job Aptitude Test, MBTI, IQ and to present its comprehensive analysis in these courses.
- Soft skills:
The purpose of providing soft skills is to change people's attitudes and to increase their efficiency.
Personality recognition, effective communication, personal branding and teamwork, familiarity with job styles, personal development and designing job roadmap are among the most important skills that can be offered through these courses
- Technical skills:
Expert and technical training are provided by presenting real projects based on the needs.
Mentors are also used in this category, and it is preferable for a person from the company to participate in this program as a mentor.
Finally, the selected people in the course are introduced to companies.
3- Employment camps
#Employment_camps try to fill the gap of training soft skills for the audience so that they can be more effective in any business position.
Moreover, applicants are aware of the importance of this issue and what is more attractive and effective for them is to have highly skilled manpower.
This training program is defined based on the job opportunities provided by the employers and the applicants for participation will participate in this course if they receive admission (Person’s compatibility with the job opportunity that will be done by the executive team and the employer).
This course will be held for a maximum of 3 months and the participants will attend real projects at the same time by passing soft skills training courses (theoretical and practical) and will determine their capacities and abilities to be present in the employment context.
The employer will also monitor people’s abilities to attract them.
- Services available in employment camps:
Applicants’ admission in the employment camp
First the applicants will be selected for the available job opportunities by sending their resume, introduction clip and initial interview based on their application. Then employer will interview with the selected individuals.
During the employment camp, the employer can have two job seekers for each job position and then choose the best one.
- Soft skills training:
Some of the most important soft skills will be taught in this program, Soft skills training topics include: problem solving and strategic thinking, teamwork, training (Active Listening), effective presentation, project management, etc.
- Individual project:
During the employment camp program, the employer defines the project for the desired job position and the force / forces will be obliged to do it.
Performing an individual project will be in the framework of internship and free.
- Team Project:
There is a real project for the participants, which will be done as a team and all the training skills of the camp will be practiced in this activity.
- Assessment:
Evaluation will be done during the course, training workshops, individual and group projects by professors, consultants, employers and the executive team, and the final evaluation results will be provided to the employer aiming to recruit.
Knowledge-based companies have a great impact on developing the country in the field of science and knowledge and new economic findings and results. Knowledge-based companies have a significant impact on the development in the field of science and knowledge and new economic findings and results. Meanwhile, one of the most important challenges for knowledge-based companies is to find specialized and capable manpower while university graduates unemployment has become an important concern in society. Accordingly, one of the important missions of Pardis Technology Park has been to provide specialized and capable manpower for companies by creating a comprehensive platform called "SADAF" (@samaneh_sadaf). In general, the purpose of creating an oyster system is to create a purposeful communication bridge between job seekers and employers. In general, SADAF is aimed at creating a purposeful communication bridge between job seekers and employers. On the one hand, it attracts students and university graduates, and on the other hand, it reflects job opportunities, internships, conscription, companies, startups and startup teams focusing on companies in the Pardis Innovation District. Applicants can subscribe to the SADAF to be informed of the latest opportunities reflected in the channel.
5. Apprenticeship and Internship
Internship is an educational process focusing on acquiring skills as well as acquiring knowledge and information, giving practical experience to the person applying for internship. Apprenticeship is in fact a real activity through which science and knowledge are also achieved.
6. Apprenticeship and Internship festivals
Holding apprenticeship and internships festivals is a suitable opportunity for the society and especially students, to get acquainted with industry and job opportunities. It is aimed at maintaining a direct relationship between the employer and the students and attracting a young, elite and specialized workforce. These events try to reinforce students' self-confidence by focusing on the presence of knowledge-based companies and introducing them to the students in the form of successful community employers.
- SADAF festival:
This festival was held aiming to establish direct communication between the employer and job seekers and attracting young, elite and specialized labor force and with the participation of the knowledge-based and industrial companies in the University of Science and Technology, including two main stages: During the first step, to increase the general skills of students and employees, specialized and educational workshops (digital marketing, human resource management focusing on discovering, identifying and guiding the new talents of graduates, ways to increase sales, from Employee to Entrepreneurship, innovation and entrepreneurship, startup valuation, increasing translation efficiency and familiarity with new generation translation, analyzing and developing employee value-based competencies in business space, business management systems, Opportunities and Eyes Dimensions) were held.
The second step started in 1397 with the official opening of the festival and in the presence of the officials of Pardis Technology Park and Iran University of Science and Technology and more than 60 companies with 600 job opportunities in one of the university halls and the students and graduates could find out about job opportunities by visiting these booths.
Quick Access

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.
Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021