Domestic Partners

Domestic Partners

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The domestic network of the Pardis technology park is divided into five categories:


The digital manufacturing workshop, is a non-profit and non-governmental center, which provides manufacturing services to all people who are interested in designing and production. It aims to make instruments, practical knowledge and financial supports accessible for innovative production through innovative technology and digital instruments. The facilities are available for all people according to their personal situation. All designers, artists, academics, students and companies deal with manufacturing, are targets of Fab-Lab. The Fab-Lab is active in four fields namely:


  • consultation
  • education
  • production
  • manufacturing


and at the end commercialization of the production.

The Fab-Lab was established in 2014 as a knowledge-based firm online and after two years, it established its office at the Pardis Technology Park.


+9821 762512521




2 - Fan AmoozPark (Science Center)

In order to stimulate and make students interested in science and technology and to attract audience, it is needed to demonstrate science and technology phenomena in an appealing and perceivable shape. The centers required to implement this subject are called "Science and Technology Centers” and have been launched in developed countries for a century. These centers take place in the middle of a range comprising of labs on one side and amusement parks on the other and exploit the benefits of both.

The installed equipment in the center is meanto show scientific phenomena and technology cleavage in an attractive and beautiful attribute. It raises the motivation of learning knowledge in scientists and public and is a good incentive for education. It is a suitable complementary for classistraining at schools and an instrument for extending culture in society.


Fan Amooz Park follows three goals:

  • Creating cheerful, hospitable and amusing atmosphere for the whole family
  • Training science and technology
  • Cultural impact and feeling of self-sufficiency and self-belief through Iran-made equipment


Fan Amooz Park visitors are:

  • Students and scholars
  • Public

Students and scholars experience the theoretical subjects that they have learned in classes practically and indeed it is a complementary for classic education at schools and related centers.

Public arethe ones that may have graduated for a long time and review scientific lesson by playing with educational equipment in the center.

These services are provided by Fan AmoozCompany, one of the members of Pardis Technology Park (PTP), which is the unique producer of scientific-entertaining equipment in I. R. Iran and has established eleven centers throughout the country so far.


Phone Num : (+9821( 76250640 - 3

Fax Num: (+9821( 76250644



Iranian Science and Technology Partners

In the following, you can see the S&T Parks and research centers and universities that have had collaborative connection with PTP in different occasions:


Science Center


Sharif University of Technology


Sharif Advanced Technology Incubator

3 Tehran University of Medical Sciences 
4 Research Institute of Petroleum Industry 

Information Technology Research Center  


Isfahan Science and Technology Town 


Arak Science and Technology Park 


Incubator and Entrepreneurship Center of Amirkabir University of Technology 


Azad University of Technology


NIroo Research Institute 


University of Tehran Science and Technology Park 


Malek University of Technology 


ASEF Think Tank 


Food Technology Park 


Pasteur Institute of Iran 


Iran Biotechnology Society 


Kharazmi International Award 


Iranian Association for Technology Management 




The Pardis Technology Park has two kinds of laboratory facilities.

1-The first kind is for the member companies at the park, which has different expertise laboratories in 14 fields including mineralogy, nanoelectronic, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and metallurgy.

2-The second kind of laboratory is a laboratory-workshop complex in the central building in 1500 m 2 area.

Here you can find some information about some companies provided laboratory services.



Company name

Field of activity


Iran Technology and Entrepreneurship Company


Kanpazhouh Mineralogical & Geological Research Company

Mineralogical & Geological Research


Kansaran Binaloud Co

Mineralogical & Geological Research

Amaj Darman Company

Medical equipment

Petro Payam Asia

Oil, gas and petrochemicals


Turboseal Technology Co

Mechanics and automation


Kian Madan Pars Mining and Industrial Company

Chemistry and biotechnology


Oil, gas and petrochemicals

Arya Seismology and Earthquake Research Center

Mechanics and automation

These are part of the organizations we have cooperation with them....


1- Promote national prominence, wealth generation and increase life quality of the nation through technology and innovation development

2- Promote national innovation system and fulfilling its relevant aspects

3- Develop knowledge - based economy through coordination, synergy and collaboration between different organs

4- Promote link between knowledge with industry and society through facilitation of supply and demand exchange in technology and innovation areas

5- Commercialization of technology achievements and development of knowledge –based companies

6- Develop strategic technologies and national priorities and science diplomacy development

7- Develop international relations in the field of science, technology and innovation as well as scientific and technological diplomacy

Major duties

1- Planning coordination in the national innovation system in order to achieve knowledge – based economy

2- Coordination and synergy among national development plans and micro scale policies for science and technology development

3- Policy making and planning for funding in the science and technology development at national level

4- Targeting, leadership and development of functional, demand-based research and assist to commercialize their results

5- Technology development, improve commercialization trend and support knowledge based companies and engineering companies

6- Support R&D activities and promote technology management in knowledge based companies

7- Future-looking and detection of technology, development of information centers and creating tech markets

8-Support and improve innovative, scientific and technology backbone of the country

9- Promote technology entrepreneurship and improve business and directing national capital for producing knowledge-based products and services

10- Develop Venture Capital mechanisms and financing knowledge-based economy

11- Help promote intellectual property system and standardization in science, technology and innovation

12- Help promote media activities and dissemination of science and technology

13- Support establishment of private machineries for production and development of export commodities and knowledge based services

14- Undertake measures to develop priorities in science and technology existing in the scientific road map at national level

15- Lead strategic technology initiatives and centers dealing with knowledge, industry and market

16- Support penetration of advanced technologies in the existing industries and conduct micro scale technology and innovation projects for overcoming requirements at national level

17- Demand incentive, marketing and guaranteeing market for national products and export of commodities and knowledge- based services

18- Develop science and technology diplomacy and international communication and development of foreign investment in knowledge based projects , guiding human and financial capital of Iranians living abroad and development of international networking on science and technology in particular in the Muslim world and collaboration in this regard

19- Trigger international opportunities in order to develop technology in particular, for identifying and having access to newly emerged technologies through relevant coordination

20-Develop identifying, attraction, transfer and dissemination process for technology at national level and coordination in this regard with relevant organizations



The Center for Progress and Development (CPDI) of Iran Presidency has been established in 1984 with the aim of providing scientific and industrial consultations for policy-making centers and administrative organizations of the country. Regarding the role of technology as an important factor in economic growth and development of the country, CPDI is focused on the new technologies and knowledge-based economy.

In addition to improving its previous activities, CPDI plays a significant role in realization of the Resistive Economy agenda in various areas through following approaches:

-International Technological and Innovative Cooperation

-National Technological and Innovative Challenges

-Emerging and disruptive Technologies

Innovation fund was established to provide financial supports for knowledge-based companies and to commercialize innovations and inventions.

The activity of the fund is defined as:

1- Estimation of the financial resources needed and to maintain them through governmental support, annual budget, financial assistance, investment profit and interest fee, income gained from investment and deposit of funds and other resources in line with the objectives of the fund.

2- Receive any form of facilities and attracting participation from banks and financial institutes

3- Examine the financial status of knowledge-based companies in order to offer those grants

4- Offer financial services to knowledge - based companies in the form of grants and subsidies and short term and long term loans and providing surety bond direct and indirect services

5- Venture capital in the commercialization stage of projects and knowledge- based activities in the form of direct and indirect assistance and grants

6- Identify and choose brokerage network for offering services and facilities supported by the fund

7- Financial assistance and support institutions that support commercialization of technology products and innovation and services to empower these companies

8- Participation in policy makings and determining priorities and regulations related to fund’s goals that helpsynergize supports at national level

9- Monitor the various stages of funds allocations offered to companies

10 - Collaboration with domestic and foreign institutions

11- Optimum management of resources to protect the value of the fund

12- Conduct all forms of activities that meet the goal of the fund

13- Other financial support based on the agreements made by the board of trustees

Presidential Center for Innovation and Technology Cooperation

Iranian Presidential Center for Innovation and Technology Cooperation (CITC) started its activities decades before, with the aim of providing scientific and industrial consultations to the policy makers. CITC promote international technological cooperation with other nations. Viewing the role of Technology in economic growth and welfare, this center supports the development of the new technologies aiming to promote knowledge-based economy

Main activities

- Participation in Technology Policy making

- Establishing Technology analysis network

- Establishing Technology related institutions

- Optimization of Innovation development process and its efficiency

- Promotion of international technology cooperation

- Commercialization and export of knowledge –based products

-Implementing technology – diplomacy aiming to develop technology export opportunities, and presenting Technology achievements

The aim of this foundation is to plan and work for identifying, guidance as well as moral and material support to elites, absorbing and protecting them and to engage them in science and technology development of the country in order to gain a better status for the country in terms of science, technology and economy within the region based on the 2025 vision.

The tasks of the foundation are

1- Policymaking and planning

  1. a) Offering material and moral support to the elites of the country
  2. b) Identifying leadership and supporting elites in order to promote science generation
  3. c) Explore, absorb and develop talents and supporting those with eligible scientific qualities
  4. d) Support elites who are ready for conducting research and entrepreneurial activities

2- Coordination among organizations related to elites in order to have more supervision on the activities for better implementation of the adopted policies and programs

3- Help provide needed facilities for easy access of elites to global research and technology transfer into the country in line with the aim of developing the scientific status of the country

4- Help elites to take part in scientific conferences inside and abroad

5- Create a global network for Iranian elites inside and those living abroad

The foundation has an independent entity and is only under supervision of the President of the country based on the statutes. The head of the foundation is the Vice- President.

For further enquiry please contact:



Iran has recognized the significance of nanotechnology like other pioneering countries and started its activities in line with development of the technology. In this regard and as first step, a Study Committee for Nanotechnology in Iran began its activities in 2001 and finally Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC) was established in the country in 2003.

The INIC is tasked with determining the general policies for the development of nanotechnology in the country and pursuing the case with implementation of the policies.

Iran’s success in achieving a proper place among 15 countries which are advanced in nanotechnology and making attempt to promote the position in a bid to develop Iran’s economy are the main missions of the INIC.

Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council is seeking to pave the ground for activity of the private sector and production of wealth within the society through adopting outlook, providing facilities, creating market and removing the existing problems.

INIC tasks:

  • Approving goals, strategies, macro-scale policies and national initiatives for development of the nanotechnology in the country.
  • Description of the general tasks for governmental bodies and determination of missions for each sector and make coordination among them within the framework of a long term national plan.
  • Supreme supervision in realization of goals and programs.


TPOs functions including; promotion, facilitation, information, and administration, provide support for the business community. The three core functions of trade policy, trade promotion, and trade facilitation will provide support to build productive capacities, upgrade industrial and agro-technologies, and expand exports and markets. In pursuit of those objectives and in view of the leading role of TPOs in preparing new policies and providing supporting facilities needed to develop a comprehensive infrastructure for the foreign trade, the Export Promotion Center of Iran (EPCI) with nearly four decades of hands-on experience in promoting the Non-Oil Export was restructured in 2004 and took up its new mandate as"Iran Trade Promotion Organization”.

The OIETAI was founded in June 1975 to conduct and perform a host of activities which, before its establishment, were delegated to different government agencies. The activities mandated to the OIETAI have all an external nature with global international affairs. It ranges from investment to financing as well as from bilateral to regional and international relations.

The president of the Organization is ex-officio the Deputy Minister for Investments and International Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance. The Organization performs its duties in accordance with its statutes and such other legislation governing foreign investment in Iran, Iranian investments abroad, external financing whether extending loans and credits to other countries as well as borrowings from international sources, coordinating and expanding relations with other countries and regional, as well as international economic and financial institutions and agencies.

The Organization is legally empowered to represent the central investment promotion authority of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran by providing legal protection and full security to foreign investments by way of facilitating the flow of capital into the country under the new Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPPA) ratified in May 2002.

The General Directorate for Foreign Investments within the Organization is responsible to receive all investment applications as well as issuance of license, conduct of affairs and safeguard all rights and entitlements of foreign investors in approved investment projects, and also to serve the investors by way of assisting, coordinating and facilitating all issues pertaining to their investments throughout the licensing process and ever after.

Being the investment authority, the Organization is also responsible for all transfers and repatriation affairs of the foreign investments as well as all arrangements and conduct of negotiations related to the bilateral and multilateral agreements for the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments ( BITs ) with other governments and international organizations. At present 47 BIT agreements have been signed with most of the European, South-East Asian, and neighboring countries as well as countries of the Middle East, and North and South Africa, notwithstanding the current negotiations underway with a large number of countries in the globe.


The Iran National Science Foundation (INSF)  is an Iranian government agency that supports fundamental research and education in all the fields of science, engineering, and medical science.

Iran National Science Foundation is a legally independent governmental institute, which is administered by a board of trustees. It is located in presidential institute. The assets of this foundation are supplied via governmental aids, bank facilities, investments of its own surplus assets, receiving financially and non-financially from true or legal persons.

In Iran, the foundation supports those who have been described in accordance with the countries needs and priorities. The source for defining research priorities is the book about research priorities which is published by the national Scientific Research Council.


Beside some organizations that mention before, other state-run organizations supports and provide facilities in different stages of establishment, development and support of knowledge-based companies that include:

  • Ministry of Petroleum
  • National Iranian Oil Company
  • National Iranian Gas Company
  • Iran Small Industries and Industrial Parks Org.
  • Industrial Development & Renovation Organization of Iran
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance
  • Electronic Support Fund for Research and Development
  • Iran Foreign Investment Company (IFIC)
  • Information and Communication Technology Ministry
  • National Iranian Productivity Organization (NIPO)
  • Shahr Investment Company
  • Tose'e Ta'avon Bank
  • Iran Insurance Company
  • Eghtesad Novin Bank·
  • Tejarat Bank



In addition to the organizations mentioned before, there are other organizations in the park that in addition to providing services to companies, they also work closely with the park headquarters.

The Hi-Tech Development Fund is one of the non-governmental funds for research and technology, which aims to provide common grounds for cooperation and investment of non-government section, which was established in 2007. The fund aims to support practical research activities for development of technology by the young entrepreneurs.

The shareholders of the fund include:

-Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

-Pardis Technology Park

- Iran Technology and Entrepreneurship Company

- Elites technology development institute

- Iranian technology and science development institute



  • Venture capitals
  • civil partnership
  • leasing of knowledge-based products
  • issuing letter of guarantee
  • installment sales
  • profit and loss sharing
  • guarantee knowledge-based plans
  • interest-free loans


Contant information:

Managing director: Rouhollah Miramini

Address: No.82,Seraj building, Noavarai 8 st, Pardis Technology Park, Tehran-Damavand orad

Telephone:+9821 76251125

Fax:+9821 76251125



The NGO is a non-profit, non-politic, non-governmental organization and all Iranian scientists and researchers can benefit from its supports and facilities according to its charter. The NGO is the first charity organization, which is established by the Iranians abroad in order to develop science and technology achievements in their countries


Contact information:

Address: Seraj building, Pardis technology park, Tehran-Damavand road

Telephone: +9821 76250043

Fax:+9821 76250044



The Middle East Technology Assessment company was established in 2007 in order to meet the needs of assessment and feasibility of plans and projects in different fields of new technologies and knowledge-based activities. Sponsored by the Pardis Technology Park (PTP), META assesses knowledge-based plans in different aspects of management, industry, technology, market and financial issues with the help of experts and up to date assessment models.


  • Providing feasibility report
  • Assessment and rating of knowledge-based plans for commercialization
  • Valuation of technical knowledge and technology
  • Consultation on financing


Contact information:

Managing director: Amir Aldaghi

Address: Danesh 1 st., off Pardis Danesh Ave, Pardis Technology Park

Telephone: +9821 76250030-32

Fax: +9821 76250029




Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.

Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021


Partner Organizations