Zarehbin, a platform for better access and price comparison
Over 60,000 Online Shops Connected to Zarehbin

Easy access for users to Iran's online shops, as well as comparing the prices, is one of the wishes of the users of online stores. Zarehbin Smart Search Company, one of the member companies of Elite Technology Development Center in Iran International Innovation District, has connected over 60,000 online stores to this platform by developing Zarehbin smart search engine.
Online shops are one of the shopping platforms where many users prefer to do their shopping online instead of visiting the stores in person.
Zarehbin Smart Search Company, one of the member companies of Elite Technology Development Center in Iran International Innovation District (Pardis Technology Park), has connected more than 60,000 online stores by developing Zarehbin database.
Zarehbin has started its activity with the aim of facilitating the users’ access to the products of all online shops in Iran, as well as comparing their prices, CEO of Zarehbin said.
After searching for the desired product and comparing the price and specifications, the users will be directed to the seller's website and complete the purchase and payment process by clicking on the option to buy the product.
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Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.
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