Organizer: Technology Business Development Center

Service level: Pardis Innovation District

Request registration: Online

Cost: Free

Average Time For Presenting Service: Seven days minute

Expert: Customer Service

Phone: +982176250250

Marketing and Selling Members’ Products and Technologies


Service Details:
  1. Help create a strong and effective website in the market in Persian and English
  2. Putting the company's product in the online showcase of park products on the internet
  3. Establishing the company's product in the permanent exhibition of park products in Tehran with the possibility of establishing a sales and marketing broker and holding sales meetings at the exhibition site
  4. Holding a ‘RoadShow’ to unveil and to develop market for the companies’ new products
  5. Planning for the necessary financing through the supportive budgets of the park and other institutions
Necessary Documents to Receive the Service:

1. Compiling the necessary forms in the system to participate in the market development services plan 2. Providing complete product information along with high-quality images 3. Sending documents related to the history of domestic or international sales 4. Providing domestic and international product approvals if available 5. Providing the existing programs and structure of the company's sales and marketing or the company's market development plan of the trustee and party to the company's sales and marketing contract 6. Sending items in paragraphs (1) to (5) along with the application letter to the Technology Business Development Center

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.

Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021


Partner Organizations