By Iran National Techmart:
1,000 Billion Tomans Worth of Technology Transfer Created In 1402

Secretary of Iran National Techmart Mohammad Saleh Khaleghi said: Nearly 1,000 billion tomans worth of technology transfer was materialized by Iran's National Techmart brokers.
Today, paying attention to technology, facilitating and accelerating its transfer, is one of the most important factors in the countries’ progress, he said.
Grounds have been paved to facilitate these exchanges in Iran, under the title of "Iran's National Tech Market Network" to facilitate the purchase and sale of knowledge-based and technological products, attracting capital for start-ups, inventions and investment plans and technology transfer and meeting the technological needs of the country's industries, he added.
This network was established as Iran’s technology information authority with the aim of meeting the information needs of people who deal with commercialization of technical knowledge and its exchange, as well as helping the development of the technology market through the commercialization of innovations in the country in 1381, he stated.
Iran National Techmart pursues its mission by having regional and specialized techmarts, legal tools and software and hardware infrastructures.
It organizes more than 100 events annually throughout the country to facilitate the connection between technologists and applicants (about three events in each province), which include the presentation of technological needs, the festival of inventions and innovations, startup demos, meeting of using domestic power, need-based exhibition, investment opportunity exhibition and technology tours, he said.
Iran's National Techmart has 31 regional and six specialized offices across the country.
** Iran National Techmart Service Office
This office has been established since 1401, and its services include evaluation of technology trade brokers and offices of regional and specialized technical markets, training and empowering technology trade brokers and regional and specialized techmarts in the form of holding training courses and mentoring services, evaluating and issuing birth certificates of tech products; guiding and managing Iran's National Techmart site, facilitating the leasing services and receiving brokerage facilities, providing acceleration services to technology brokers in the country (establishment and training), providing services and consulting in the design and signing standard brokerage contracts and establishing a platform for the export of technological products and meeting the needs of the country's large industries and the government by using the power of the country's technology brokers, Khaleghi said.
** Development of regional and specialized technical techmart offices
These techmarts are known as regional techmarts aiming to facilitate the exchange of the country's priority areas, the network has created a mechanism called specialized techmart, he said.
Proper cooperation between the private and public sectors to facilitate technology exchanges is of importance, he added.
Currently, 37 regional and specialized techmart offices have been established in the country, he noted.
** Developing a network of technology trade brokers
Technology business brokers are agile private companies that are tasked with executive operations to facilitate transfer, he said.
These brokers are more than a consultant and are active as the supplier or applicant until the final stage of the transfer, Khaleghi said.
They also have comprehensive information on the supply and demand of technology and a wide network for communication and are responsible for creating link between the supplier and the applicant of technology, he noted.
** Iran's National Techmart website
Khaleghi termed Iran National Techmart website as the most comprehensive technology information bank in Iran, saying that it includes technology supplies and demands, knowledge-based and technological companies, as well as the country's technology market news at
Knowledge-based and technological companies can use this website to supply their products and technology to the country's companies and organizations, as well as access these capabilities and provide their technological needs, he added.
** Techmarts nationwide meetings and virtual brokerage meetings
Iran National Techmart has been holding national meetings with the participation of all regional techmarts and provincial brokers twice a year and hosted by regional techmarts aiming to create convergence and synergy.
** Iran National Techmart technology transfer events
These events are held in four categories: presentation of technological needs, innovation supply festival, internal capacity utilization meeting and startup demo.
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Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.
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