In the presence of students
Closing Ceremony of Sadaf Empowerment Plan & Specialized Boot Camp in Mechanics Field Held Pardis Technology Park

Closing ceremony of Sadaf Empowerment Plan and Specialized Boot Camp in Mechanics Field was held in the presence of students in Pardis Technology Park.
In addition to soft skills training, students received specialized training for recruitment in Pardis Technology Park companies.
Referring to participation of 161 students in this plan, Sajad Abbasi Fashami said that the plan was held for 2.5 months with the aim of teaching soft skills to students for employment in Pardis Technology Park companies.
Visiting 625 students from 12 prestigious universities, 390 students from 5 schools, 58 career counseling and holding 4 workshops on finding ideas and creativity, familiarization with business model, intellectual property and commercialization were held with the presence of more than 200 people.
Quick Access

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.
Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021