Development of a technology in Pardis Technology Park to make phone calls over the internet
Creating A Cloud Phone System for Developing Companies’ Communication

Hamkaran Cloud Call Center, which is a member of Elite Technology Development Center of Pardis Technology Park, has provided companies with a platform to make secure calls without geographical restrictions by developing cloud phone technology.
Reducing costs compared to common telephones, creating the possibility of decentralization for companies by connecting calls through the national internet network, and removing geographic and hardware limitations are among the advantages of this cloud phone system.
Creating a fixed call center without changing the number is one of the concerns of small and medium-sized companies.
The relocation of the company has made it difficult for these companies to use a specific landline for various reasons.
Cloud phone technology is a call center service that allows you to make calls over the Iranian internet network instead of making calls through traditional analog systems.
Referring to the idea of setting up a cloud phone, CEO of Hamkaran Cloud Call Center Khani said: One of the problems of many start-up companies is changing the location of the company.
In this call center, all the facilities of a physical call center can be used, including the ability to record conversations, voice menu, create an internal number, central phone book and display the caller's phone number, he added.
In addition to knowledge and technical synergy, being a member of Pardis Technology Park, has paved the ground for using the servers located in the park, which has helped the stability of the system, he stated.
Quick Access

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.
Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021