Describing the performance of Pardis Technology Park in the legislation for developing technology parks infrastructures:
Identifying Legal Opportunity to Provide the Infrastructure of Technology Parks by Pardis Technology Park

Referring to the experience of Pardis Technology Park in knowledge-based legislation, President of Pardis Technology Park Mahdi Saffarinia said: One of the experiences of Pardis Technology Park was to identify the legal opportunity to provide the infrastructure of science and technology parks using the share of value added tax.
The value added tax law for knowledge-based companies was one of the direct experiences of Pardis Technology Park in the field of legislation, which was concluded based on the park's experiences and cooperation with member companies, he added.
One of the problems in science and technology parks, especially large parks in the country, is the provision of urban infrastructure and technology spaces, including water, electricity, gas, and green space, he noted.
In the value added tax law, one third of this tax is assigned to municipalities for the development of urban infrastructure, he said.
We started identifying this legal opportunity in 1396 to provide the infrastructure of large technology parks to receive 3% of the 9% value added tax share of municipalities due to non-providing services from municipalities.
According to the value added tax law, one third of this tax is for the municipality to develop urban infrastructure.
This share of tax in knowledge-based and technological companies that are members of science and technology parks is assigned to the park itself and is spent on the park's infrastructure.
Quick Access

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.
Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021