Nextation by holding over 25 hours programs:
INOTEX 2022 Hosts Iran’s Top Science & Technology Research Figures

Secretary of the Nextation Ali Kashefipour said that the 2022 Nextation is being held for the second time in the history of INOTEX.
The 4th Industrial Revolution and its effects on future life were the main theme of the upcoming Nextation series of events.
Since the seventh edition of INOTEX, like similar events around the world, its organizers have added a conference section to its programs called INOTEX Stage, which hosts lectures and panels on issues and topics of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and with prominent figures.
He noted that the 11th round focused on developing digital technologies, the reconstruction of the physical world, the technological changes in the human body and mind and the technological effects on the integration of the environment.
The 2nd Nextation had 31 lectures, panels, interviews and film screenings with 32 speakers and planners, he said.
He went on to say that the event was held both in-person and online.
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