On the Sidelines of Unveiling of PTP New Products:
Pardis Technology Park’s Support for Knowledge-Based Companies Guarantees Their Success

Head of Shayan Fanavaran Company said that Pardis Technology Park’s support for knowledge-based companies is regarded as a guarantee for their success.
The production of the company's new and knowledge-based product called "Side Loader", which was unveiled at the 20th annual meeting of Pardis Technology Park, saves 9 million dollars every year, Shahed Shirin said speaking on the sidelines of the unveiling ceremony of Pardis Technology Park’s new products.
Shahed Shirin is the manager of Shayan Fanavaran Company, the first manufacturer of mining and tunnel drilling products in West Asia and one of the companies located in Pardis Technology Park, whose new product named ‘’Side Loadr’ was unveiled at the 20th annual meeting of Pardis Technology Park.
Elaborating on the activities of this knowledge-based company, he said that the loaders are used for digging and earthmoving operations in mines and tunnels in Iran.
We provide all kinds of small loaders and anti-explosion equipment for the country, he added.
We have indigenized it, which is used in the underground mines industry, he stated.
The new product is a side loader that loads the soil from the front can be unloaded from three directions, and due to its small size and high operating speed, it helps to increase the loading speed, he noted.
Shayan Fanavaran Company has invested 400 billion Rials in producing side loaders, and the annual market volume for this product is expected to be 1000 billion Rials.
Its prospective customers are mining, tunnel construction, road construction, railway, and sewage companies.
Countries like the US, Germany, and Poland in the West, and Russia and China in the East have produced such samples, but we compete with them in terms of dimensions, quality, and innovation, Shirin said.
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Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.
Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

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E-mail: info@techpark.ir
