Simultaneous with 12th ceremony to commemorate PTP top veterans:
PTP Introduces Top Technologists In 2024

During the 12th ceremony to commemorate Pardis Technology Park top veterans, three top technologists were introduced.
Saman Seyyed Jafar Nazari from Zist Takhmir Company, Vahid Bakhtari from Saman Electronic Payment (SEP) and Ali Zare Mirak Abad from Dotis Arian Qeshm Company (Dotin) were the three technologists who were praised in the event.
Development and production of high-risk active ingredient, extraction of probiotic strain with new methods, development and production of effective liposomal ingredients and optimizing environment for cultivating probiotic strains are among the activities in which Nazari has played an influential role.
Bakhtari is a PhD student in the field of computer engineering, majoring in software, who has been in charge of developing the 724-payment application in Saman Electronic Payment (SEP). He also has five specialized articles and a book.
Mirak Abad is the owner of Datin's cheating detection solutions.
Founder of Pargasiran Company Alireza Ansari, Javad Hemmati, Founder of Kansaran Binaloud Minerals Research and Analysis Company and Chairman of Sobhan Biotech presiding board Omid Ranaie were praised as top veterans.
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Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.
Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

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