With the Presence Of 21 Teams From 3 Provinces in The Northwest of The Country

The Urmia Inotex Peach Startup Competition Was Held

The Urmia Inotex Peach Startup Competition Was Held

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The fifth round of Inotex Peach 2022 provincial startup competitions reached the final round in Urmia with the presence of 21 teams from West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan and Ardabil provinces with the introduction of the winners.

 According to the public relations report of Pardis Technology Park, Inotex Peach 2022 of the northwestern province of the country with the participation of Iran Post Bank was held in Urmia on Thursday, April 21th, 2022 with the presence of the local authorities of the West Azerbaijan province.

 The competition started at 13:00 on Thursday evening with the speech of Mohammad Sadegh Motamedian, West Azerbaijan governor, Alireza Vahidpour, the director of branches and marketing affairs of Post Bank of Iran.

 Esmaeil Sadeghi, the director of the supervision of East Azerbaijan province, was introduced as one of the judges of this round of competitions

 At the end of northwest of Inotex Peach, after the competition of start-up companies ended with the opinion of the jury; Fartak Najo from Ardabil province won the first place, Rayan Polymer Arta from East Azerbaijan province won the second place, and Altin Print from West Azerbaijan province won the third place.  After the evaluations, these top three teams will enter the stage of the national competition and benefit from the facilities worth 250 million tomans.

 After presenting and selecting the winner teams by judges, Inotex Peach Urmia ended its work at 19:00.  It is worth mentioning with the efforts made by the Inotex secretariat in this year Inotex Peach event was held in various cities such as Fars, Kermanshah, Zanjan, Tehran, Qom, Semnan and West Azerbaijan provinces.

Post Bank of Iran allocates the amount of five hundred million Rials as a cash prize facility for the first to third teams of the competition that will be selected in the final event at the Inotex 2022 exhibition.

 The startup competition and Inotex 2022 exhibition will be held in Pardis Technology Park in Tehran from 10 to 13 May this year with the cooperation of Pardis Park and the financial support of Post Bank of Iran.


Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.

Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021

E-mail: info@techpark.ir


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