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LANDIN Won The Final Round Of Inotex Pitch In Inotex Exhibition 2022

LANDIN Won The Final Round Of Inotex Pitch In Inotex Exhibition 2022

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The final stage of Inotex Pitch was held at the Inotex 2022 exhibition and the Landin startup won the contest with 5 votes. According to the news agency of Inotex 2022, the 11th International Exhibition of Innovation and Technology "Inotex 2022" hosted by Pardis Technology Park on 16 May, witnessed the final stage of Inotex Pitch with the presence of 16 selected teams from the provincial stage of the competition.

 Inotex Pitch event is the competition of startups in the presence of investors where Iranian and international judges score them. This year, For the fourth year in a row, this competition between startups across the country is going to end with the introduction of the top teams. The first stage of these competitions was held in the provinces of Tehran, Fars, Kermanshah, Zanjan, Semnan, Qom and West Azerbaijan in the past months, and the top 16 teams were chosen to join in the final stage. Therefore, the report of this event consists of different stages.  In the first stage, startups are judged online and chosen startups are invited to compete in person in front of investors. At this stage of the competition, which will be held in different provinces, startup teams are first trained in how to present to the investor and then, they'll introduce their idea or product in the presence of local investors.

 16 teams participated in this competition, which are:

 Landin from Tehran

 Nader Ertebat Gostar Razi

 Web Metric from Semnan

 Salamat sabz dansh pazhuh from Zanjan

 Tuk Coffee from Kermanshah

 Bumi sazan pardazesh qaem from Semnan

 Fanavaran internet ashiya viera from Shiraz

 Arum Zist Kavan from Urmia

 Ryan Polymer Arta from Tabriz

 Pay Industrial Group from Kermanshah

 Fártak Najou-Ri Food from Ardabil

 Nature Studio from Tehran

 Livebook from Tehran

 Aria sarmaye from Zanjan

 Jabiz from Shiraz

 Diyar from Qom

 In Inotex Battle, startups introduced their products or services, and eight groups were selected to debate in pairs. Web Metric and Landin, Nature Studio vs Viera, Pay Industrial Group vs Jabiz, Tuk Coffee vs Salamat Sabz competed with each other.  Landin, Nature Studio, Pay Industrial Group and Salamat Sabz Danesh Pazhuh reached the next level. The final stage of the competition was held between Landin and Pay Industrial Group, and finally Landin won the battle and became the winner of this year's competition.

 It is worth noting that, at the end of this contest the winners of these competitions, not only receiving cash prizes and 5 billion Rials facilities from Post Bank of Iran, but also will benefit from the support of Inotex Event Secretariat to participate in the Sevan Startup Summit event in Armenia.

 It should be mentioned that, Inotex Pitch competition is held with a purpose of introducing and investing in qualified ideas and startups from different cities of the country; Therefore, Inotex Exhibition Secretariat invites investors, venture capital firms (VCF), accelerators and interested people to participate in this event and invest in elected concepts.


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