A manager of a knowledge-based company, a member of Pardis Technology Park:
Two Car Industry Equipment Indigenized with The World's Latest Technology

The Manager of Royal Tosse'e Paydar Company, one of the members of Pardis Technology Park, elaborated on the problems of the knowledge-based companies’ exports and referred to the indigenization of automotive industry equipment.
In order to produce and develop products in the field of printed electronics, this knowledge-based company has released a printer to the market, which can produce items such as seat warmers, sensors and car panels with the help of nano inks, Ali Gharekhani said.
In this technology, flexible and cheap electronic devices can be made by using nano inks, he added.
Currently, it is possible to print all kinds of printed and flexible circuits, RFID tags, flexible heaters, flexible sensors along with the ability to develop other applications in the field of printed electronics, he noted.
By indigenizing the knowledge of manufacturing this device, the ability to provide industrial equipment and machinery to produce all kinds of commercial products in the field of printed electronics has become possible in Iran, he stated.
This printer is not a normal 3D printer because conductive ink is used in it, he said.
Another product that we are currently producing is passenger detection sensors that are installed on the seat using electronic printer technology, Gharekhani added.
This sensor can detect the passenger and give the belt warning, and also distinguish the child from the adult so that the airbag does not open for the children, he noted.
Quick Access

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.
Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021
E-mail: info@techpark.ir
