INOTEX 1402 achievements:

11.5b Tomans Collective Investment in 3 Companies’ Projects/Signing 83 MOUs to Meet Needs and Sales Contracts

11.5b Tomans Collective Investment in 3 Companies’ Projects/Signing 83 MOUs to Meet Needs and Sales Contracts

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Secretary of INOTEX 1402 Sajjad Abbasi Fashami said that during the INOTEX, 11,500,000,000 tomans worth of collective investment has been made in three companies.

Speaking to ISNA, Abbasi Fashami said that 83 memoranda of understanding worth over 400 billion tomans were signed to meet the needs.

The components of innovation ecosystem include accelerators, knowledge-based companies, startups, etc., which need to create connections between these components, otherwise the industry, companies and investors will be active in their own islands.

About 34% of participants were startups, 20% others were knowledge-based companies, and the rest were investment companies, accelerators, and technology parks, he added.

He referred to ‘Investment Café’ as example of programs held on the sidelines of INOTEX.

This section consists of 76 startups and 54 investments which were reviewed and approved.

Elaborating on FINOTEX, he said that the most effective banks, investment companies, accelerators, insurance companies and financing platforms were selected and introduced.

He noted that the INOTEX Pitch was held among 400 startups in five provinces and in three stages.

He described increasing participation among economic enterprises as another goal of FINOTEX.

Reverse Pitch has been held in medical equipment, home appliances, food industry, oil, gas and petrochemical and regulatory.

Networking and production is another objective of INOTEX, saying that various programs namely Stage INOTEX were implemented in this regard.

He also pointed to G-Forum in which the governmental and private sector interact which each other, saying that filtering, surge in knowledge-based production and competition regulations are among the issues raised in this event.


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