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A Report of Pardis Technology Park Activity in Last Two Decades

A Report of Pardis Technology Park Activity in Last Two Decades

Director General of planning and the economic affairs of Pardis Technology Park Mohsen Pilannezhad presented a report of Pardis Technology Park activity in the last two decades. Speaking in a phone interview, Pilannezhad said that the report examines the performance of companies from economic, tech ...

Sep 4, 2023
11.5b Tomans Collective Investment in 3 Companies’ Projects/Signing 83 MOUs to Meet Needs and Sales Contracts

11.5b Tomans Collective Investment in 3 Companies’ Projects/Signing 83 MOUs to Meet Needs and Sales Contracts

Secretary of INOTEX 1402 Sajjad Abbasi Fashami said that during the INOTEX, 11,500,000,000 tomans worth of collective investment has been made in three companies. Speaking to ISNA, Abbasi Fashami said that 83 memoranda of understanding worth over 400 billion tomans were signed to meet the needs. ...

Sep 3, 2023
Closing Ceremony of 5th Sadaf Empowerment Project Held for Pardis Innovation District

Closing Ceremony of 5th Sadaf Empowerment Project Held for Pardis Innovation District

The closing ceremony of the 5th session of the Sadaf empowerment project, especially for Pardis Innovation District, was held with the aim of empowering university students and graduates to facilitate their entry into the market. Addressing the event, managing director of Pardis Technology Park for ...

Sep 3, 2023
A PTP Company Makes A Probiotic Medicine to Cure Ear, Throat and Nose Infections in Children

A PTP Company Makes A Probiotic Medicine to Cure Ear, Throat and Nose Infections in Children

Zist Takhmir Company, a knowledge-based member of Pardis Technology Park has produced a probiotic medicine to treat ear, throat and nose infections in children. The experts in Zist Takhmir Company obtained the technical knowledge of manufacturing a pharmaceutical product to treat ear, throat and no ...

Sep 3, 2023
Smart Home Basket Made in Pardis Technology Park

Smart Home Basket Made in Pardis Technology Park

A technology company in Pardis Technology Park Elite Technology Development Center has produced a basket of smart home products by including various equipment. A smart home is a set of tools with which you control some electrical and mechanical devices in the house, in order to increase safety and ...

Sep 2, 2023
Pardis Technology Park Measures to Solve Problem of Knowledge- Based Companies in Medical Field

Pardis Technology Park Measures to Solve Problem of Knowledge- Based Companies in Medical Field

President of Pardis Technology Park Mahdi Saffarinia said 30% of PTP knowledge-based companies are active in medical field, adding that these companies have taken several measures, including a meeting with Food and Drug Administration of The Islamic Republic of Iran, to facilitate the entry of products bas ...

Aug 30, 2023
Validation of Accelerators and Co-Working Spaces in PTP Innovation Acceleration Center

Validation of Accelerators and Co-Working Spaces in PTP Innovation Acceleration Center

Head of the Innovation Acceleration Center of Pardis Technology Park Mahdi Azimian reviewed the instructions for supporting the activity and validation of accelerators, co-working spaces and entrepreneurship centers. The 9-year experience of the Innovation Acceleration Center was used in compiling ...

Aug 29, 2023
Persian Text-To-Speech Software Produced in Pardis Technology Park

Persian Text-To-Speech Software Produced in Pardis Technology Park

CEO of Binesh Pooya Andish Khwarizmi, a member of Pardis Technology Park Elite Technology Development Center Reza Rezazadegan said that the company has produced Persian text-to-speech software. This software can convert Persian texts into speech as a natural language by using artificial intelligenc ...

Aug 29, 2023
Optimus To Help Industries and Mines

Optimus To Help Industries and Mines

Nested drones under the network, produced by Raymon Company, in Pardis Technology Park Elite Technology Development Center, have taken an effective step in developing mines through online imaging. Optimus is a non-military drone used for filming. This cutting-edge technology, called the DIB platfor ...

Aug 27, 2023
From PTP’s €320m Exports to 24 Countries to Materializing 2200 Innovations in Last 10 Years

From PTP’s €320m Exports to 24 Countries to Materializing 2200 Innovations in Last 10 Years

Pardis Technology Park’s activity has saved over $676m worth of foreign exchange per year and €320m worth of exports to Europe and Africa to Asia, Europe, and Africa. Knowledge-based economy is one of the main axes of the resistance economy policies, and requires the expansion of its pro ...

Aug 26, 2023

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.

Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021


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