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Guardian Council Approves Pardis Technology Park Development and Investment Organization’s Statutes

Guardian Council Approves Pardis Technology Park Development and Investment Organization’s Statutes

The spokesperson of the Guardian Council Hadi Tahan Nazif announced the approval of the statutes of the Pardis Technology Park Investment Development Organization. Addressing the press conference, Tahan Nazif elaborated on the opinions ...

Aug 3, 2024
Two Car Industry Equipment Indigenized with The World's Latest Technology

Two Car Industry Equipment Indigenized with The World's Latest Technology

The Manager of Royal Tosse'e Paydar Company, one of the members of Pardis Technology Park, elaborated on the problems of the knowledge-based companies’ exports and referred to the indigenization of automotive industry equipment. In order to produce and develop products in the field of printed ...

Aug 3, 2024
Fanamouz Co. Makes Optic Set

Fanamouz Co. Makes Optic Set

Fanamouz, one of the members of Pardis Technology Park, attracted the attention of some foreign teams participating in the International Physics Olympiad by designing and manufacturing the laboratory equipment Optic Set, which was held in Isfahan University of Technology. In this period of the Inte ...

Jul 29, 2024
Pharmacy Management Assistant Produced in Azadi Innovation Factory to Manage Liquidity and Proper Distribution of Medicine

Pharmacy Management Assistant Produced in Azadi Innovation Factory to Manage Liquidity and Proper Distribution of Medicine

One of the problems of pharmacies in the country is the management of purchases, liquidity and sales of pharmacies. A technology group at the Azadi Innovation Factory has produced an assistant for managing pharmacies using business intelligence. In addition to liquidity management in the pharmacy, can also ...

Jul 27, 2024
Ghazal Award Granted to Pooyandegan Rah Saadat Co, Member of Pardis Technology Park

Ghazal Award Granted to Pooyandegan Rah Saadat Co, Member of Pardis Technology Park

Ghazal Award was granted to Pooyandegan Rah Saadat Company a member of Pardis Technology Park in medical equipment field. The event was held in the presence of Iran’s Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Eco ...

Jul 24, 2024
Creating A Cloud Phone System for Developing Companies’ Communication

Creating A Cloud Phone System for Developing Companies’ Communication

Hamkaran Cloud Call Center, which is a member of Elite Technology Development Center of Pardis Technology Park, has provided companies with a platform to make secure calls without geographical restrictions by developing cloud phone technology. ...

Jul 23, 2024
Human-Body Health Monitoring Using Artificial Intelligence

Human-Body Health Monitoring Using Artificial Intelligence

Tiam Hamrah Teb Asa Company in the Azadi Innovation Factory has provided the possibility of monitoring people's ongoing health issues by creating a platform for monitoring the body's health through measuring vital signs using artificial intelligence. The use of artificial intelligence in diagnosing ...

Jul 13, 2024
Pardis Technology Park to Upgrade to Iran’s Int’l Innovation Zone

Pardis Technology Park to Upgrade to Iran’s Int’l Innovation Zone

Iran’s Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi said that Iran's international innovation zone will be established in Pardis Technolo ...

Jul 8, 2024
Active Days of Startup Companies in Electronics and Computer Fields in ELECOMP

Active Days of Startup Companies in Electronics and Computer Fields in ELECOMP

During the four days of Electronic Computer and E-Commerce (ELECOMP), Pardis Technology Park companies showcased their achievements. ...

Jul 7, 2024
Pardis Health Technology Park on Development Path

Pardis Health Technology Park on Development Path

Director General of Pardis Technology Park (PTP) for Communications and International Affairs Amin-Reza Khaleghian said that the Ministry of Health has granted the Health Technology Park license and this project is being developed. Speaking to Azad News Agency, Khaleghian said that Pardis Technolog ...

Jul 2, 2024

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.

Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021


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