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152 MOUs Worth 23k Billion Rials Signed in INOTEX 2024

152 MOUs Worth 23k Billion Rials Signed in INOTEX 2024

Sajjad Rajabi, head of the secretariat of INOTEX 2024, was the first speaker at the closing ceremony of this exhibition and presented statistics from this exhibition. 451 companies attended the 13th INOTEX and 46% of them were technology companies, Rajabi said. Brokers and investors also ha ...

May 10, 2024
Iran’s Parliament Puts on Agenda Supporting Knowledge-Based Companies

Iran’s Parliament Puts on Agenda Supporting Knowledge-Based Companies

Ruhollah Motefaker Azad, a member of the Iranian Parliament presiding board appreciated the attendance in INOTEX 2024, saying: "Currently, we have no other way to grow in the country, and this is only possible with the growth of science and technology, hence the market of 15 countries in the region is good ...

May 10, 2024
Gov’t Spox Unveils 9 Knowledge-Based Products

Gov’t Spox Unveils 9 Knowledge-Based Products

The Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Bahadori Jahromi unveiled nine knowledge-based products in INOTEX 2024. One of the methods of measuring the height of the fluid is using the immersion method. Unlike the buoyancy model, this method has a lot of complexity, but its low sensitivity to density and ...

May 10, 2024
INOTEX Paves Way for Communication Between Gov’t and Private Technology Sector

INOTEX Paves Way for Communication Between Gov’t and Private Technology Sector

Iran’s Government Spokesman Ali Bahadori Jahromi said that INOTEX has paved the ground for communication between government and private technology sector. Holding this exhibition is also very good for the technology ecosystem, so that they can get to know each other's products. Only i ...

May 10, 2024
Over A Hundred Thousand People Visit INOTEX 2024

Over A Hundred Thousand People Visit INOTEX 2024

The secretary of INOTEX Sajjad Abbasi Fashami said that new technology and startup products of the country were unveiled during the visit of various officials, and their number reaches more than 44. More than 25 billion Tomans have been invested in the ‘Investment Café’ section o ...

May 10, 2024
Iran, Africa Sign MOU On Technological Cooperation

Iran, Africa Sign MOU On Technological Cooperation

Zippo Zavali, Deputy of the South African Technology and Innovation Agency said: I am surprised by the inventions and innovations in INOTEX 2024. These products should be supported, he added. These products can be exported to Africa A memorandum of understanding has recently been si ...

May 10, 2024
Parliament Speaker Tours INOTEX2024

Parliament Speaker Tours INOTEX2024

Iran’s Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf visited the INOTEX 2024. He attended the Innovation Center and Creative and Innovative Houses of Iran pavilions. He also visited pavilions of some startups and technology companies. ...

May 10, 2024
Russian Professor: We Should Have A View Like Omar Khayyam To Succeed in Advertising Industry

Russian Professor: We Should Have A View Like Omar Khayyam To Succeed in Advertising Industry

The professor of basic sciences in Moscow and one of the greats of the marketing advertising industry Boris Eremin referred to the Iranian poet Omar Khayyam, saying: To be successful in the advertising industry and in life, like Omar Khayyam, the poet of your country, you must be knowledgeable about all is ...

May 10, 2024
Storytelling in Advertising Reviewed at INOTEX 2024

Storytelling in Advertising Reviewed at INOTEX 2024

Elaborating on storytelling in advertisements, the guest of Faris Awards Bharat Avalan said: Stories create lives. When I travel, I like to meet people, he added. I like to fill my life with stories and things that I can tell people, I believe that stories create lives. When we talk ...

May 10, 2024
Knowledge-Based Companies Unveil Three New Products

Knowledge-Based Companies Unveil Three New Products

On the third day of the INOTEX 2024, three new products of knowledge-based companies were unveiled. Nickel and cobalt cathodes, electric boat motor and plastic premier were the products that were unveiled in INOTEX Pioneers Hall. Razi Steel Industry Company is one of the active companies in the fie ...

May 9, 2024

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