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Iraqi Science Minister Tours Pardis Technology Park

Iraqi Science Minister Tours Pardis Technology Park

Iraqi Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Naeem Al-Aboudi visited Pardis Technology Park. The sisterhood agreement between the Iranian and Iraqi universities, exchanging students and professors between the two countries, and developing technology parks in Iraq were on the agenda of ...

Mar 11, 2023
Pardis Technology Park Welcomed in Education Ministry’s New and Knowledge-Based Technologies Event

Pardis Technology Park Welcomed in Education Ministry’s New and Knowledge-Based Technologies Event

In the first exhibition of the Ministry of Education's new and knowledge-based technologies, Pardis Technology Park presented its achievements in educational fields and in the presence of 13 technological units.   Thirteen companies in the growth center, PTP companies, accelerators and ...

Mar 7, 2023
PTP President Terms Maintaining Dialogue Between Innovation Ecosystem Elements as Objectives of Holding Pardis Summit

PTP President Terms Maintaining Dialogue Between Innovation Ecosystem Elements as Objectives of Holding Pardis Summit

An effort has been made to hold informal discussions in addition to formal meetings and atmospheres to establish further relations between innovation ecosystem elements, President of Pardis Technology Park Mahdi Saffarinia said. He also elaborated on the capacities of the law of surge in knowledge- ...

Mar 7, 2023
A Technological Gathering with Theme of Discussion and Networking

A Technological Gathering with Theme of Discussion and Networking

The one-day Paradis Summit was held in the presence of more than 280 participants in a dynamic and lively atmosphere on March 6. In the last days of the Iranian calendar year 1401, the 6th Pardis Summit was welcomed by startups, growth centers, shared work spaces and investors in Pardis Technology ...

Mar 6, 2023
6th Pardis Summit Held Focusing on Industry-Technology Connection

6th Pardis Summit Held Focusing on Industry-Technology Connection

The 6th Pardis Summit was held in the presence of over 280 participants focusing on the relationship between industry and technology in Pardis Technology Park. The event focused on connection between industry and large economic enterprises with accelerators and startup teams. Referring to h ...

Mar 6, 2023
Iran's National Techmart Service Office Opened in Pardis Technology Park

Iran's National Techmart Service Office Opened in Pardis Technology Park

Iran's national Techmart service office was opened in Pardis Technology Park. The event was held in the presence of the President of Pardis Technology Park Mahdi Saffari Nia, vice president of Pardis Technology Park for technology development Ali Hazaveh and Secretary of Iran National Techmart Moha ...

Mar 5, 2023
Iran, Russia Sign Investment Memorandum in Metaverse And Intelligent Transportation Fields

Iran, Russia Sign Investment Memorandum in Metaverse And Intelligent Transportation Fields

During the second day of TIM2023, Mohammad Gili from the Metatit accelerator, which is active in the field of metaverse and robotics signed an investment agreement with Russia. This accelerator has participated in this event with two startups that are active in the fields of virtual reality empower ...

Mar 2, 2023
TIM2023 Participants Stress Formation of a Working Group for Innovation Joint Investment Fund

TIM2023 Participants Stress Formation of a Working Group for Innovation Joint Investment Fund

As the TIM2023 wrapped up, its final statement was released. Referring to the presence of more than 350 technologists and investors from 12 countries, the statement stressed that this event was held with the presence of top technological companies based on participation in investment opportunities ...

Mar 1, 2023
TIM2023 Top Technologists Praised

TIM2023 Top Technologists Praised

The closing ceremony of the 5th round of the Technology Investment Meeting (TIM2023) was held with the introduction of Malaysia as the next round’s host. During the event which was held in person and virtually and with the presence of over 350 technologists and investors from 12 co ...

Mar 1, 2023
Officials: Launching D8 Members’ Technology Transfer Office on Agenda

Officials: Launching D8 Members’ Technology Transfer Office on Agenda

Iran’s focal point in D8TTEN Mohammad Saleh Khaleghi said that Iran’s Technology transfer offices are being established in Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, and Nigeria aiming to further connect Iran's innovation ecosystem. Referring to TIM2023, he said since last year, ...

Feb 28, 2023

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.

Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021


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