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Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRA) Welding Filler Produced

Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRA) Welding Filler Produced

Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRA) welding filler was produced by the researchers of one of the companies based in Pardis Technology Park for various industries including oil and refinery. The welding industry in the oil, gas, petrochemical and energy industries require special welding fillers made o ...

Dec 30, 2023
Integration Infrastructures Provided for IT Companies

Integration Infrastructures Provided for IT Companies

Media Gostar Mana Company in “Highway Innovation Factory” has provided integration infrastructure for IT companies. This infrastructure is used for notifications, managing experts' messages and recording records. CEO of Media Gostar Mana Company Nadereh Hesam Vaezi referred to the activ ...

Dec 25, 2023
Iran’s Junior Kyokushin Competitions Held in PTP Multi-Purpose Hall

Iran’s Junior Kyokushin Competitions Held in PTP Multi-Purpose Hall

Girls’ Kyokushin tournament K.W.F was held in Pardis Technology Park sports complex. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the competitions, Secretary of KWF Kyokushin Mohammad Hossein Mahmoudi said that the event is aimed at institutionalizing sportsmanship in male and female kids and teenagers. The co ...

Dec 16, 2023
RTP Company to Produce Sensors and Seat Heaters for New Saipa Car

RTP Company to Produce Sensors and Seat Heaters for New Saipa Car

The joint cooperation agreement between Saipa Azin and RTP Company, one of the Pardis Technology Park companies was signed with Iran’s Deputy President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy Rouhollah Dehqani Firouzabadi. Linking knowledge-based companies with the market is the m ...

Dec 16, 2023
Iran Among First 5 Producers of Ibrutinib In World

Iran Among First 5 Producers of Ibrutinib In World

Speaking in an interview with Hamshahri Online, CEO of Zist Takhmir Company Sahar Bahmani said that access to foreign cancer treatment is not available due to the skyrocketing costs. The production of ibrutinib was an almost 5- ...

Dec 13, 2023
Pardis Technology Park, Great Stone Industrial Park Sign MOU

Pardis Technology Park, Great Stone Industrial Park Sign MOU

Managers of Pardis Technology Park and Belarusian Great Stone Industrial Park signed MoU on technological cooperation, holding events, participation in mutual exhibitions, joint investment and technology transfer. Deputy Head of Great Stone Industrial Park Administration Oleg Tabanyukhov and Direct ...

Dec 12, 2023
Milad Sadrkhanlou Appointed as Head of D8TTEN

Milad Sadrkhanlou Appointed as Head of D8TTEN

The D8 Secretary General Isiaka Abdulqadir Imam in a decree appointed Head of Pardis Technology Park Business Development Center Milad Sadrkhanlou as head of D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network (TTEN) for a period of three years. According to the provisions of the D8-TTEN charter and at the suggesti ...

Dec 12, 2023
UTM Vice-Chancellor Makes History as Malaysia’s First Mustafa Prize Laureate in Iran

UTM Vice-Chancellor Makes History as Malaysia’s First Mustafa Prize Laureate in Iran

With this historic achievement, he has not only brought honor to himself and UTM but has also placed Malaysia on the global map of scientific excellence. Vice-Chancellor of UTM, Prof Datuk Ir Ts Dr Ahmad Fauzi Ismail has become Malaysia’s first researcher and academic to receive the highly pr ...

Nov 28, 2023
1st Demo of Innovation Acceleration Center Held

1st Demo of Innovation Acceleration Center Held

  The first demo of the Innovation Acceleration Center was held with the presentation of 8 technology units at Azadi Innovation Factory. In this event, investors judged the presentations. The secretary of the event said that more than 60 companies and groups offered their readiness, in ...

Nov 28, 2023
Hydraulic Tools and Connecting Rod Checking Gauge

Hydraulic Tools and Connecting Rod Checking Gauge

Sacaratech Company, one of the members of Pardis Technology Park Elite Technology Development Center, has helped the country's railway industry by producing hydraulic tools and connecting rod checking gauge. These tools are used in the production and repairment of train engines. CEO of Sacaratech C ...

Nov 27, 2023

Address: Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road (Main Stresst), Tehran I.R. Iran.

Postal Code: 1657163871

Tel: 76250250 _ 021

Fax: 76250100 _ 021


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